We, the human have left behind the barbarism of our ancestors, which they adopted for survival, and advanced into a civilized citizen by personifying a humane character with the help of codes of religion. The violent strike inherited has not been rooted out, it has unconsciously breed into demon called terrorism. This concealed demon has began to liberate and take the road down to cannibalism in the name of religion. Extinguishing these aroused demon seems impossible. But, we can always terminate the demon budding within us. With the gospels of all the religion, i.e. brotherhood, lets kill the demon and unearth the violent force within us. Lets take the road towards humanitarian.
Apparently, cyclicity is one of the key parameters to arbitrage. And these behavioural metamorphosis of humans might just be for a loop gain over these negative weighted cycles.
Err, in a more simplistic terms- I feel that humans have a few parameters that are innately embedded in them(perhaps dialectic to the 'this' pointer analogy) and these parameters are Pride,happiness and pleasure. Apparently, the movement of the life-style is purely based on maximizing there factors.
Its just a matter of fact that its taken a *new* pathway called terrorism.
If we historize our memories, we would see a lot of these stuffs thats been happening from ages perhaps even across centuries if not millenniums.
What I feel is that its not just popped out of the blue, Its something within us- its just that most of us have had it subdued. On the other hand its a shame that most of the civilization eras never mutated this character in some of them.
Nice write up.
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