After 60 hours of gun fighting peace had come in for Mumbai. Can we really call it “Peace”? I don’t think so. It’s just the END OF THE GAME of the few terrorists who have made millions of people glued to the television sets to witness their operation succeed. It’s indeed a victory for them. They have caught the attention of millions of people around the globe. As the media call it, it is India’s 9/11 indeed. But not the only 9/11, we have had such 9/11 a number of times already: Parliament was attached, blast in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Jaipur , Ahmadabad and many more to add to the list. Were we letting the terrorist practise terror? As one of the foreign news channel pointed out, India is an easy target. TAJ is a prestigious hotel and it accommodates many VIP’s from different places of world. An easy target plus thousands of VIPs is an icing on the cake for the terrorists. We are once again reminded that we are not in a safe place. We are in the edges of the terror and the new pattern of terror is horrifying.

It is time the politicians stop the blaming game/politics and start doing something to make India a little safer. Hyderabad is always been another target of terror. In the past 64 hours, when Mumbai is been terrorized, I have not noticed any security measure taken in Hyderabad which is pointed out as the next target by the arrested terrorist. It is time that the government and police realize that terrorist don’t give invitations or choose the same out dates to attack. Our government allocates heavy budgets for national security. Then why are we still not having advanced arms? Shouldn’t by now a task force setup to start the investigation of the escaped terrorists? When the terrorist who have plotted Parliament attack, a national shame, is given a second thought of whether to should be hanged/not, we cannot expect more. So everyone reading this get accustomed to the fact that we are not very far from terror and terror is now a part and parcel of our lives.
A moment of silence for the 2 commandos and 16 policemen killed fighting the terror. Salute to the marine force, commandos and the policemen who have fought the terror. Hats off for TAJ hotel staffs, you were the real angels. And every unsung hero who has been the part of fighting terror.
Let all the souls rest in peace!!!
And let’s wake up to the reality of terror!!!
I hope that the Indian people know that whatever Reverend Jeremiah Wright says it doesn't represent the views of all of America. Lots of us in America see Jeremiah Wright as a source of shame and view him with contempt.
I don't feel that this is a case of India's chickens coming home to roost. Lots of us in America would be appalled at hearing Reverend Jeremiah Wright say "God Damn India".
It really concerns me that such a low life is so close to our President-elect.
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