Hi All,
First, please lemme know the first thought that crossed our mind seeing such a title. I had 2 reasons for choosing this title. One, I was curious to know how many people will turn to read my blog if I have such cheesy titles. My blog hit count was 184 before I posted this one. Scroll to end of the page to check out how many hits I have now. Two, I wanted to increase the blog hit count [:D] .
Ok, coming to the purpose of this blog. This is about the book I read today P.S. I Love you By Cecelia Ahern. Lemme start with how this book fell into my hands. It was a Monday and it alos happened to be my friend’s wedding. I was returning from the marriage. I was not quite well that day and unfortunately I couldn’t get a seat in the bus while returning home and I stood 3 hours holding an enormous luggage which tumbled for every single brake. Finally, I made it to the airport looking like I was in a furnace. And not to be surprised, I noticed all the well dressed people around me giving awkward looks. So, I left my enormous luggage near a chair and stepped into the rest room. I returned leisurely since I was too early for the flight, I found few police men staring at the luggage I have deserted. So you can imagine what must have happened, shunting and advice from everyone around for being so irresponsible.
I was too tired and thought its better I start reading something to divert my attention from people who are still staring at me. So, I stepped into the book store to find some good fiction/thriller which will keep me busy. Browsing around, I caught the sight of a very handsome man on the cover of a book and the title said PS I Love You. I first thought it must be just another romantic/fairy tale type book with a very handsome guy with everything perfect and a beautiful girl who is never able to decide whether she is in love with him or not. When I read the snippet, I felt it’s not just another romantic novel. After a little battle to buy it or not, I decided I will give it a shot. When I was out of the shop it was time to head towards security check. I stood in the queue with the book in hand so that I can start reading once I am done with the security check. Suddenly a foreign lady behind me said something. Since I was lost in thoughts I didn’t hear her. She repeated understanding the confused look in my face. She said “it’s an excellent book. But very sad. I cried for every chapter.” I was speechless coz how often you find a foreign lady telling you she cried and also I am not a very comfortable person talking to strangers even in my mother tongue. I gave her a broad smile and replied “Thank you”. Later I thought why the hell I thanked her. Thankfully, she was kind enough not to burst out laughing. In the flight I took a comfortable seat near the window and started reading the booking. After a little while, an old man in late fifties took the aisle seat next to me. He gave a warm friendly smile and sat fastening his seat belt. His next glance fell on the front page of the book and he gave me a look like “What kind of books this young generation read”. I had enough humiliation for the day. So, I closed the book took the magazine in front of me. The whole week passed and I just read few pages now and then. Finally on Sunday, as usual I was totally jobless and started reading the book.
It’s not just another romantic novel. It’s a very emotional novel about a girl fighting to recover from the sorrow of her husband death with the help of her friends, family and an envelope from her husband. It’s a very touchy novel. I cried every now and then. There was one more reason why I cried when I read the novel. Because I have seen one of my friend struggling to recover after her father passed away. Though I understood how difficult it was for her. I have acted like a jerk many times. I just wanted to say sorry for that. I didn’t intend to act so. I wanted to help her. And I was too stupid not to understand that I must have hurt you. Sorry!
Hey people, I know it’s difficult to digest but one day or other we will all come across a situation when our near/dear might lose someone special in their life. We all understand how difficult it for them. And we will surely want to help them out. So, people like me who don’t know how to handle such situation read the book. It will help. You might think I am over reacting. But, realizing that you have acted like a jerk instead of helping them, make you more awful and guilty.
Ok, enough of emotions. Please post your comments on the first thought of the blog title. I am planning to have an iterative blog here .So PS I Love You 2 will be the compilation of those first thoughts. So help me keep blogging.
In case, you wanna read it. I have a pdf with me and this the esnip link http://www.esnips.com/doc/98cb2c7d-6478-486d-97bd-a5cfd32b3d67/Ahern,-Cecelia.-PS-I-Love-You